VAANDU’s AMI solutions ensures seamless and system-wide connectivity and interoperability, by designing custom made solutions for unique client requirements which work best in smart grid network.

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)

VAANDU develops solutions that forecasts customer needs and support policy objectives including selecting the best hardware and software solutions depending on the budget, deployment plan, end goal. Our AMI solutions that are simple, scalable and cost effective. The solution includes multiple hardware and software components depending on specific utility client requirements. Our experts will assist in designs and technologies that soften the risk of rapid technology and functional obsolescence.

Our AMI Solutions are simple, secure, scalable suite of hardware and software products that comprise an end to end Smart Grid solution. Package solutions are specifically designed to assist small and large utilities and co-ops meet the demands of energy generation, distribution, storage, and consumption.

VAANDU AMI solutions offers multiple subsets of solutions including all components from the meter to MDM, data collection system and data analysis tool are designed to work independently or with other applications in a versatile, secure, reliable and scalable way. Our solution provides a standards based, auditable and customizable solution designed for deployments from a small pilot project to a large scale system-wide implementation that integrates seamlessly into existing infrastructure.

To keep in touch with VAANDU expert panel or schedule an appointment, please write to us at

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